Hello, and welcome to my channel. Today, I’m thrilled to share with you an important milestone in my career.

A presentation on ‘Dr. Ryu’s Deep Plane Facelift’ was held at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, the top-ranked hospital in the world. The Deep Plane Facelift has been a hot topic in facial rejuvenation surgery worldwide lately. But because the procedure is complex, it’s not easy to get to. Interest in this technique is also growing in Asia, so we should think about it from an Asian point of view.

The Deep Plane Facelift is a technique that releases all retaining ligaments in the sub-SMAS plane. The sub-SMAS plane has important stuff like facial nerves and anatomical structures, so it is critical to be very careful. I showed how I do the surgery safely and effectively and walked through the procedure on video.

I also talked about the normal pathways and variations of facial nerves, making sure to highlight how important it is to have a safe surgery. And I explained about the anatomical relation between the orbicularis oculi muscle and the zygomaticus major muscle. My research papers on surgical anatomy were referenced throughout the presentation to share my experiences.

Western patients generally have narrower faces and often prefer malar and mandibular angle augmentation. Otherwise, Asian patients prefer the opposite. I suggested a SMAS flap design and management plan that works well for Asian patients. I emphasized that the SMAS flap design in a Deep Plane Facelift should be varied based on the shape of the face and race.

It was a great honor to present ‘Dr. Ryu’s Deep Plane Facelift’ at Mayo Clinic, the top-ranked hospital in the world. I hope my insights and experiences help my fellow plastic surgeons do safer Deep Plane Facelift. I also hope this gives us a chance to think about the variety of surgeries needed for different race. Thank you!